Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP)
Consumer Directed Personal Assistance
Are you concerned about finding someone you can trust to provide home health care services for your loved one? You are not alone!
Thanks to a New York State Medicaid-funded program called the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP), it is possible for a friend, family member or legal guardian to provide home care services. What this means is that the individual receiving the services can hire the caregiver of their choice. This provides peace of mind to both our clients and their family members. Do you have an elderly parent who you would like to care for yourself? It is now possible for you to do this, and to get paid for doing so. Xincon will help guide you and your loved one through the process and even provide the required training, and support.
Submit a quick inquiry today and our knowledgeable staff with follow-up with you within one business day with more information, and to answer any questions you may have.